Monday, May 20, 2013

Philosophie Vestimentaire - Xavier T. Morwe

The innovation and creativity of my friends has always intrigued me. Evidence abounds that Hip-Hop will forever reign in street culture especially with people like A$AP Rocky in the scene. I took some time and had word intercourse with one "Prince de Bohême" I've been keeping an eye on for quite a while. The way he plays around with his outfits is near life's worth. This is only the genesis.

LS: Please give us a brief bio about your self?

XM: Names is Xavier Thapelo Morwe. I'm a Tswana 22 year old guy from the Northern Cape in a city called Kimberly, South Africa. I'm a Diesel Mechanic in the army by profession. Believe it or not.

LS: What baffles me is your sense of style. Especially for someone who is in the army.  When did you discover your love for style?

XM:  Back in primary school I used to watch Yizo Yizo 1. There was a character there called Chester. He brought out the sense of style in me. The shirts hats glasses that he wore were just out of this world for me.

LS: Please explain to us. What exactly does "fashion" mean to you?

XM: Expressing myself. Through clothing. Trying to tell my autobiography through my sense of style. That's what fashion means to me.

LS: How would you describe your style and how does the environment surrounding you contribute to it?

XM: Diverse. Thing is I cant stick to one certain genre of style. As I get inspired by the local old timer, people like you. Even people at work.
 LS: What are your 5 favourite items in your closet?

XM:  1.My fresh J's. 2. Levi Strauss Denim jacket 3. Green anti-fit jean 4. Nike shirts 5. Camouflage shorts. I wear it everyday in the morning.

LS:  Who is[are] your favourite designer[s]?

XM:  Local is lekker papa [I support local sir]. Ephraim Molingoana thats my n*gga right there.

 LS: And where do you often shop your clothes.

XM:  There's this other Muslim store in Church Street opposite Chicken Lickin. I forgot the name. I sometimes buy on the streets, Sport Scene. Markham, Marabastad. Basically everywhere I don't have a specific store. Where ever I see something I like I get it.

LS:  What's playing on your BlackBerry?

XM: I'm a huge hip hop fanatic. From Ace Hood, Future, 2 Chain... the works

LS: What magazines do you usually read?

XM: I like GQ, The Source & XXL.

LS:  Any advice you'd like to give to men who also would like to be just as stylish?

XM:  Do you. F*ck what they say. Being unique should be a need as we are born as unique beings . Dress the way you want to and stay true to that. Watch as the followers do what they usually do. Follow your own trend.

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